Saturday, 22 November 2008

... nano land

Being in-between two writing sprints to get my daily word count done, I remembered that I wanted to write about how my nano novel has been progessing.
Oh well...
This is my third nano, and while I rushed through the first one and had gone across the 50K mark on November 19 in 2006, last year, it took me a few more days to do so.
And this year? For the past five days, I haven't even managed my daily goal of 2K, which means that if I manage to write a bit more during the next few days, a bit more than the usual 1K I did over those past few days, I will manage to get to 50K by the end of the month - and win! Well, yes, winning is essential this year, and the story has developed nicely enough but I cannot yet see the end of it.
Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, I am not sure yet.
But since this is not my first nano, I know that I can do it, and this year, it seems that the plot develops very slowly. Still, the main idea is a good one, and I have learned a lot about my main characters.
I will not yet publish any excerpt here, but I will do so on the nano website some time next week. It might be good to discuss this later on, but for now, I think I have a plan... write more again every day, finish the story some time in December, edit next year...
And then, what will I do with all the spare time after November has gone?
Oh no, there will be no spare time, just more writing time without the nice pressure of fellow nano people who write more in less time (but who knows what theirs stories look like in the end?).

And of course, I still have a big part of that short story to translate! :o)

Going back to writing now,

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